Friday, August 30, 2013
Balancing Your Workout
This workout meshes especially well with running because it focuses on muscle toning. You will definitely feel the effects the next day! I went yesterday, and I am definitely feeling the burn today.
Equipment you will need for the class (provided at the site) include hand weights, a ball, and some exercise bands. As the class progresses, you isolate different muscles with the various equipment. You really get a very well-rounded workout.
You also use mats to work on your core. There are a lot of exercises for the various abdominal muscles. I have never had my ab muscles shake before; that was an interesting experience. The instructors actually say, if your muscles aren't shaking, you aren't working hard enough!
Even though I am not affiliated with Pure Barre in any way, I would definitely recommend this hour long workout to any runner looking to increase flexibility and tone muscles. The price can be a little steep, but if you wait long enough, you can usually find some deals/specials. Sometimes they even post on Groupon or Living Social.
How do you balance your running with other types of workouts?
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Feel Good, Look Good!
Last night was a particularly brutal run. As part of my training group, Tuesday nights are interval training. Let me begin by saying, I have never done any sort of training before, let alone interval training. Usually, I am not too concerned with my pace. I basically just run to feel healthy and accomplished. Last night I really pushed myself. For part of the run we were supposed to do 400's at a very fast pace for ourselves. Well, I did that, and man, do I feel it today. I do feel very accomplished though.
Anyways, I may have felt like I was dying, as I sprinted in outrageous humidity, but you can bet I looked good. I don't know what it is, but there is something about workout clothes that I love. Maybe it is the bright colors, or maybe it is the spandex. For some reason, spandex just feels awesome, and usually looks flattering.
Recently I discovered that TJ Maxx has an amazing selection of workout clothes. (Let me add, I am not even being paid by TJ Maxx, and have no affiliation.) I made a trip to the local store Monday, and tried to control myself. I don't think I went too wild, but you know I will be back soon. This time I scored:
- Avia dry-fit short-sleeved t-shirt: $7.99
- Champion Sports Bra: $9.99
- New Balance Lightning Dry Capris (in a fantastic purple color): $15.00
I would say this was a great haul. I especially love the capris. I also happen to think a lot of sports bras are ridiculously overpriced, so I was very pleased to find this great one by Champion for under $10.
I already know I will be back because I have my eye on a beautiful headband. I actually picked it up and put it back twice. I have a complex about spending money apparently. What do you like to wear when you workout? Do you have a favorite place to shop, or place with secret deals?
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Delicious Banana "Ice Cream"
All through school and college I was very active. I was a ballet dancer in a pre-professional company. That meant hours of dance most weeknights and almost every weekend. Honestly, I enjoyed being so active. Once I graduated college and landed my first teaching job, I started to feel sluggish. I just felt like I didn't have the stamina I used to. I found myself getting out of breath doing minimal physical activity. After some serious thought, I decided to pick up running to get back into shape. I figured this was the most convenient workout. I could do it almost anywhere with minimal equipment.
Once I started running, without really thinking about it, I also started eating healthier. I noticed I had better runs, and just felt better overall, when I ate healthy. The more I've started running, the more conscious I have gotten about what I eat. I still consider myself a very beginner level cook and am still experimenting a lot in the kitchen. My latest experiment was banana "ice cream."
Now, I will admit. I was a skeptic. Has anyone else seen those Yonanas commericals? I figured there was no way that actually tasted good. Boy, am I glad I was wrong!
There are a lot of different versions floating around the internet for how to make this delicious frozen treat. I sort of messed around, combining the basic idea of several. This is my little recipe for one serving.
1 frozen banana
1/8 cup of skim milk
1 tablespoon peanut butter (I like to use the low salt kind.)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
I combined all of the ingredients into my little food processor. (Yes, it really is tiny enough that one banana almost fills it completely!)
When finished, the mixture should be nice and creamy, just like the consistency of ice cream! Make sure you get all the little banana chunks smoothed out. They can be hard to spot at first!
And that is all there is to it! Now you can enjoy your delicious frozen treat without all the guilt! I basically inhaled mine. It was so good. I also tried another version where I substituted the tablespoon of peanut butter with unsweetened cocoa powder. It was good too, but I prefer peanut butter over chocolate.
Have you changed your eating habits since you started running? Was it intentional?
Friday, August 23, 2013
Running Clubs!
You might be wondering what a mimosa has to do with running. Well, let me tell you. I recently moved to a new state and was looking to meet some new people. The standard advice is to join some sort of club. And...that is some good advice!
After scouring the internet, running club websites, and Facebook groups, I found a women's running group in my area. It sounded fantastic! I worked up the courage and showed up to the first meeting. I knew from that first meeting that this was the group for me. The ladies were all positive, upbeat, and passionate about running. They rejuvenated my love of running and motivated me to train harder. Best of all...they served mimosas after the run. I think I will be a lifetime member!
If all that was not perfect enough, I found someone training for the same race as me, (my first 10-miler!) that runs the same pace as me! Was I dreaming? Fortunately, not!
Since joining the club, I have nearly doubled my mileage, and I noticed today that my mile pace had improved by almost 15 seconds!
While solo runs are great for reflection and some much needed "me" time, I also like the social aspects and motivation of group and partner runs. A little of both seems to be the perfect balance for me.
Are you in any running clubs? Do you have a great running partner? How did you meet them?
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Healthier Brownies!
Today I did something I have never done before. I made up my own recipe. Not only did I make up my own recipe for the first time, but by some miracle, it turned out! I made a healthier version of brownies. Now, I am not sure you should go eating a dozen of these, but they are certainly better for you than your average brownie! The sugar is replaced by honey, and the butter is replaced by avocado. Some of the egg is replaced by Greek yogurt. I didn't feel quite as guilty licking the entire bowl clean. I just couldn't help myself!
Now, to the recipe! (Click here for a printable recipe.) Makes approximately 9 small brownies.
- 4 ounces of melted semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 1 mashed avocado (The better mashed, the less likely people will know it is in there!)
- 1 egg
- ¼ cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt
- 1/8 cup of honey
- 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/4 cup of whole wheat flour
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/8 cup skim milk
- Whisk together the egg and the honey
- Melt the chocolate and gradually add to the egg/honey mixture
- Stir in the whole wheat flour, cocoa powder, salt, and vanilla
- Stir in the mashed avocado until you can barely see/not see at all
- Add the skim milk
- Pour into a square baking pan
- Bake at 325 for 20 - 25 minutes
- Allow to cool completely before cutting
- Enjoy!
Even though these brownies have some healthier substitutions for ingredients, I think they turned out delicious. I am not sure I would know the difference if I hadn't made them myself! The Greek yogurt gave the brownies a nice fudgey texture, which I prefer in my brownies. Also, make sure to mash the avocado as best you can. The less you can see the green specs, the less questions any potential eaters will have.
Hopefully you enjoy this recipe as much as I did. Remember this is my first attempt at making my own recipe, so be kind! Do you have any healthier substitutes for baked goods? I would love to here them!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
First Post!
Let's start with introductions. I am a twenty-something who picked up running two years ago. It all started with a big misunderstanding! My older sister, who runs marathons and what-not, asked me to run a race with her. Not really thinking about it, I agreed. I figured, how much training do you really need to run a 5k? Well, apparently I'm not the greatest listener, because she actually said 5 miler! Well, I was away at my senior year of college and didn't really give the race a second thought. When the big race day finally came, I decided to just wing the run. By some sweet miracle, I actually ran the entire race. My knees were on fire, my lungs burned, and my sister asked me repeatedly if I was going to make it. My competitive nature pulled me through to the finish! I paid for my poor preparation the next day, and the day after, and the day after that, and maybe even more. I try to block that out of my memory. After that brutal wake-up call, I decided to get fit and actually train!
I started with the Couch to 5k Program. That thing is a miracle worker! I downloaded the app to my phone and went to work. Before I knew it, I was actually running three miles on a regular basis. From there I was hooked. Since then, I have run multiple 5ks, 5 milers, and even some 10ks. This October I am taking the leap and running my first 10 miler! I can barely believe it. I have started training and so far things are going pretty well.
I think that sums it up pretty well for the first post. Please leave a comment and tell me a little about yourself!
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